North Florida Earthworx

Dirt Services

Dirt Services in Jacksonville, FL

North Florida Earthworx is your go-to company for all your fill dirt and top soil needs.

Fill dirt is the soil found beneath the topsoil, often referred to as backfill or fill. It’s composition and color can vary depending on where is comes from the and native, natural materials in the area. This multipurpose material can be used to fill-in or level out areas, to build foundations or pads to pour concrete over, or to elevate or even out the grade of a site. Because fill dirt has no organic matter that can decompose it is perfect for any application where compaction is required.

Topsoil is the top layer of the soil or upper surface of the land and has the highest concentration of organic matter and nutrients of any soil, making it an essential for gardening, landscaping, and farming. Visually top soil can be differentiated from fill dirt by its dark, rich color. You have the option to purchase screened top soil which has had any naturally occurring sticks or roots removed from it. Depending on the intended use of the area where the top soil is to be used, you may find this worth the money.

Make sure to contact us for a free quote for all your fill dirt and top soil needs in the Jacksonville, FL area.


Professional Dirt Services

  • Underbrushing
  • Land Clearing
  • Brush Mowing & Mulching
  • Wood Grinding
  • Large & Small Acreage
  • Embankment Clean Up
  • Drainage Ditches
  • Survey Lines
  • Fence Lines
  • Right of Ways